La substancia democrática

Que decidir y que no


  • Silvio Massaro


politics, state, constitution, social rights


Faced with a cryptic scenario where the ideals and institutions of the social or welfare state are contradicted by a very strong anti-political ideology and an exacerbated economism. We wonder how the objectives of that state are combined in this scenario? What is the meaning of Constitutions, which affirm “to promote the conditions so that the freedom and equality of the individual and of groups are real and effective...? Are we facing a "constituent" process, in which the incentives that act in this scenario of "no politics" and the "free market" are valued more than the public duty corresponding to social rights?


Portada Doctrina



How to Cite

Massaro, S. . (2022). La substancia democrática: Que decidir y que no. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (7), 168–189. Retrieved from