El Decreto 239/21: la investigación del endeudamiento con el Fondo Monetario Internacional desde el rol del Estado


  • Marcelo Andrés Maisonnave


external debt, International Monetary Found, Stand by agreement, act 239/2021


First, the article briefly reviews the political and economic events that led to the approval of the Stand By Agreement between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund in 2018. Then, reports from the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, the General Sindicatura de the Nation and the Anti-Corruption Office, which motivated the President of the Nation Alberto Fernández to issue Decree 239/2021, where he instructs the National Treasury Attorney to become a plaintiff in the case that investigates whether the officials who approved the Agreement and executed it, committed crimes causing serious damage to public property. After this analysis, it is concluded about the importance for society that the State provides an effective response on what happened before and after the signing of the Agreement, to elucidate whether or not there were crimes.

Portada Investigaciones



How to Cite

Maisonnave, M. A. (2022). El Decreto 239/21: la investigación del endeudamiento con el Fondo Monetario Internacional desde el rol del Estado. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (7), 296–311. Retrieved from http://edu.ptn.gov.ar/index.php/revistaecae/article/view/117