Salud mental, capacidad jurídica y estigma


  • José María Martocci UNLP- Argentina


judicial process, human dignity, mental health, stigma


Internalize an experience; let its marks remain, its spontaneous traces in the indifferent multiplicity; lets learn from it and may be, with its strenght, make a change; let this “something” open up new questions to put the Law at the service of human emancipation and against its cancellation.

Denounce what needs sadness to exercise its power.

Record what Clara experienced, her wandering and urgency, her clairvoyant fight  to rethink judicial practices and the machine that captures its operators with glasses that exclude other views and sensibilities, another understanding of the world. Pedagogical lives, a fertile field to incorporate, that is lost.

So: Clara guides us in the following pages in the way in which psychiatric and legal knowledge are tied together in the capture of diverse subjectivities, alien to the canon of normality; and how a physical countenance activates prejudice, ideas based around discernment, thinking, (not) being a person with rights and the subject of their exercise



How to Cite

Martocci, J. M. . (2022). LO QUE PUEDE UN CUERPO: Salud mental, capacidad jurídica y estigma. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (8), 364–390. Retrieved from http://edu.ptn.gov.ar/index.php/revistaecae/article/view/204