Contramovilización Legal a la Ley 27.610


  • Luisina Carrizo UBA- Argentina


Contramovilización legal, derechos humanos, Movimiento feminista, Derecho al aborto


The aim of this paper is to evaluate whether the lawsuits against the State, which seek to rule the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (No. 27,610) Law as unconstitutional, represents an obstacle to the implementation of the law and to the effective access to health services by pregnant people in the Buenos Aires Province.


As an introduction, I will expose a brief historical and political review of the institutional process and legal background of the Law. Then, I will present research on the lawsuits within the framework of the application of the public policy. In a complementary way, I will add the point of view of three key actors on the counter mobilization against the law, presented through interviews.

Lastly, I will present some considerations on the researched lawsuits as a summary, together with reflections on the challenges that lay ahead in order to guarantee pregnant people’sexual and (non) reproductive health rights.

portada investigaciones



How to Cite

Carrizo, L. (2023). Contramovilización Legal a la Ley 27.610. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (9), 108–127. Retrieved from