The AI and it's regulations

Pasos iniciales en Argentina, aspectos analíticos y defensa de los intereses nacionales


  • Ariel Vercelli INHUS – CONICET / UNMdP


artificial intelligence, Regulations, Public policies, Argentina


The development and expansion of artificial intelligence is generating profound changes in societies. It is not about something that could happen, but is about technological devices that are already in operation and affect the daily lives of millions of people globally. So wide and deep are these changes that, inevitably, questions and questions arise. How many AIs actually exist and are they working? What are they for? How much do they affect us as people and how much as populations? Is it necessary to regulate AIs? This article seeks to critically analyze what are the current problems, national interests and relationships between regulations and AI. Some initiatives in terms of AI policies and regulations that have been developed in Argentina are considered (from a forgotten national strategy to the implementation of a National State Chatbot). In turn, three analytical aspects on AI that could be useful to project public policies and regulations in Argentina are presented. The article is part of a larger investigation that analyzes the co-construction relationships between AI and its regulations and aims to strengthen public policies and regulations on the basis of technological sovereignty and the defense of national / regional interests.

portada dossier



How to Cite

Vercelli, A. (2023). The AI and it’s regulations: Pasos iniciales en Argentina, aspectos analíticos y defensa de los intereses nacionales. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (9), 195–217. Retrieved from