Evolución histórica de la regulación de los recursos naturales


  • Juan José Carbajales


Natural Resources, Hydrocarbons, YPF


The current hydrocarbon’s model in Argentina acknowledges an (almost) two and a half centuries of histories, which can be
described in a circumstantial way and be analyzed from its normative basis. At this point we will only cover the first part, form it’s Hispanic origins to Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales’s creation.
The ordering criterion of the stages or periods in which the historical progress on this matter is organized responds to discriminating the phases in which the domain lies with the Nation and/or the provinces, as well as that resolution’s hierarchical rank, both constitutional and legal. All of this, acknowledging the necessary arbitrariness in
that decision and the possibility of hybrid schemes.
Consequently, the following stages will be addressed: Colonial stage (1776-1810); 2) Independence stage (1810-1853); 3) Neutral? Constitutional stage (1853-1886); y 4) Mixed legal stage (1886-1935).

portada doctrina



How to Cite

Carbajales, J. J. (2023). Evolución histórica de la regulación de los recursos naturales. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (10), 136–161. Retrieved from http://edu.ptn.gov.ar/index.php/revistaecae/article/view/263