La incidencia de las limitaciones económicas


  • María Fernanda Sampay


Human Rights, Economic, Limitations, Restrictions


The present study invites us to reflect on the fact that
the true Rule of Law is not the one that merely devices legal norms,
but the one that submits to them and guarantees the effectiveness
of the rights they provide for.
In our country there is a paradox, as Argentine legislation guarantees
far more social rights than its inhabitants currently enjoy.
To understand the reasons for this paradox, I will try to demonstrate
how certain economic systems, and the discretion of those exercising
executive power, conspire against the full realization of “human rights”,
especially economic, social and cultural rights, given that human
beings must enjoy “autarchy”, i.e., sufficiency of goods, in order
to have equal opportunities. Regarding social security, I will apply
my experience performing as advisor to the General Directorate for
Legal Affairs of the National Ministry of Justice and Human Rights,
particularly with respect to the application of the set of reparation
laws (Laws 24.043, 25.914, 26.913, etc.), developing proposals to
improve service and to give speed and efficiency to the administrative
procedure for the granting of benefits contemplated in the aforementioned
reparation laws.

portada investigaciones



How to Cite

Sampay, M. F. (2023). La incidencia de las limitaciones económicas. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (10), 245–265. Retrieved from