La protección de los derechos humanos


  • Claudio Alberto Schifer
  • Rodolfo Héctor Fassi


The following text is focused on the protection of human
rights in the disciplinary regime of the National Public Administration,
based on the judgments and advisory opinions of the Inter-American
Court of Human Rights, the judgments of the Supreme Court
of Justice of the Nation, the opinions of the Office of the Treasury of
the Nation, and the national and international regulations applicable
to the matter.
Among the multiple institutes analyzed, conventionality control, adjective
or legal due process, the disciplinary power of the National
Public Administration and the summary procedure are mentioned.
Product of the public policies carried out by the National Government,
destined to the extension of rights in the disciplinary administrative
procedure, which will result in the issuance of the new
Regulation of Administrative Investigations (Decree No. 456/2022),
are developed with special consideration, the guarantees in the full
exercise of the right to defense of the people investigated or accused,
the establishment of more rigorous requirements to preventively suspend
agents involved in a criminal case, the gender violence exercised
in the workplace, the use of electronic means of notification, and
the holding of remote hearings for exceptional cases.

portada dossier



How to Cite

Schifer, C. A., & Fassi, R. H. (2023). La protección de los derechos humanos. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (10), 401–421. Retrieved from