Mundo Infeliz


  • Raún Gustavo Ferreyra UBA- ARGENTINA


pandemic, inequality, vulnerability


The plague causes a misfortune. With its infection it distresses the human beings in their spaces. In a very short time, the pain of the pandemic is felt on a global scale. More than 6,000,000 infected and about 370,000 deaths worldwide, as of May 31, 2020. The numbers are growing so fast that it is impossible to update them at the rate of writing. The pursuit of social happiness is an eternal path. I do not believe that an objective conception can be assimilated or constructed, according to which the justice of a legal order fills all the individuals of the community with satisfaction. Nature does not make all individuals equal; consequently, it is a task of constitutional law to seek a certain equity to alleviate, clear up or pulverize differences and that all of us can access the enjoyment of life and its fundamental goods. Without falling precipitously into relativism or appealing to any metaphysics, I affirm that the plague has exacerbated, in the extreme, the pathetic, unfortunate and unjust exclusion of the poor and vulnerable in the world. The truth is never sad.



How to Cite

Ferreyra, R. G. (2020). Mundo Infeliz. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (4), 637–655. Retrieved from