The human and constitutional right to active suffrage


  • Pablo Andrés Figueroa UNC - Argentina


human rights, suffrage, constitutional law, electoral law


The present work aims to reflect suffrage as a universal Human Right and a Constitutional Right with its reception in the various international treaties to which Argentina is a party. Allusion is also made to the importance of democracy for our country and a journey in the right to vote.Suffrage is a public right of a political nature, reserved for active mem-bers of the people of the State, which, in terms of activity, expresses a political act, making the right to vote one of the essential elements for the existence of democracy and a of the ways in which citizens freely express their will and exercise the right to political participation. This right implies that citizens can decide directly and choose freely and under conditions of equality those who will represent them in decision-making in public affairs.This work takes a tour of the various constitutional instruments that our country adheres in the conviction that democracy is not only voting, but that it becomes a citizen’s own right that all States must respect under criteria of legality and justice.

doctrina figueroa



How to Cite

Figueroa, P. A. (2021). The human and constitutional right to active suffrage. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, 1(6), 50–72. Retrieved from