Notes on the origins of the Executive Power in the province of Buenos Aires


  • Guillermo Raúl Moreno UNLP - Argentina


executive power, province of buenos aires, Constitutional Law, Constitutional History


In the current work we propose a historic path to the Executive Branch of the Province of Buenos Aires. We will go from the time of the colony to the last constitutional reform of 1994. In each of the historical moments we will pay special attention to the figure of the “governor”, a key official in the conquest, both in the times or revolution and in the time of confederation. We will also inquire about the treatment that the constituent gave to the Executive branch in each of the reforms of the Constitution of Buenos Aires Province. Once the National Constitution was sanctioned, Buenos Aires—in clear opposition to it—would issue its first local charter in 1854. From then on, its Constitution was amended five times, two in the 19th century and three in the 20th century.

doctrina moreno



How to Cite

Moreno, G. R. . (2021). Notes on the origins of the Executive Power in the province of Buenos Aires. Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, 1(6), 151–163. Retrieved from