Compliance e Integridad o el valor de lo público como herramientas para la lucha contra la corrupción

Reflexiones desde la Perspectiva Argentina


  • Gabriela Stortoni


corruption, complience, responsability, human rights


This article focuses on the problem of corruption in Argentina, a scourge that generates poverty, stagnation and widespread injustice. The tools to be implemented for its reduction have their central axis in the recovery of the gregarious essence of our society, based on the effective protection of human rights. The purpose is to provide, through legal analysis, ways that allow, through the elimination of the scourge, to be able to reconstruct the social framework, dramatically damaged, with the discredit of the dominant classes and the factors of power in our country. The scope of Compliance is analyzed, its origins in the private sector and then its projection in public management. The impact of Law No. 27,401 and computer tools as allies to strengthen transparency in management. The concept of Integrity, its impact on public management and recent advances in the matter. Finally, the importance of generating a public culture is analyzed -as the most appropriate response to combat corruption- and because, ultimately, the awareness of the management of the high values ​​of a government and its members, generate the responsibility to act ethically and in accordance with the law.

Portada Doctrina



How to Cite

Stortoni, G. (2022). Compliance e Integridad o el valor de lo público como herramientas para la lucha contra la corrupción : Reflexiones desde la Perspectiva Argentina . Revista De La Escuela Del Cuerpo De Abogados Y Abogadas Del Estado, (7), 100–123. Retrieved from